Monday, July 14, 2008


This is our photo blog with fun highlights of the Dyer clan. I haven't had a chance to label all the pictures yet and they aren't in any particular order but I hope you enjoy them. Have fun looking at our adorable family!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

More Grand Canyon Photos

We are all so tired still from our trip I am going to just post some photos for now while we recuperate. Enjoy~

The Whole Family

Carly Chillin' in her stroller.

Waiting for the Grand Canyon bus to take us back to our cars.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

More Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon Vacation

More Dyer Girls Growing Up

The Girls

Happy Birthday Sara!

On our way to the Grand Canyon we made a stop in Cedar City to see Sara and Katie. We weren't able to see Katie but we did take Sara out for her birthday dinner. Then we all went to see a movie together and watched fireworks afterward. We had a great time! It was so fun to just be together. The next day we stopped and had lunch with Sara at her work just before we left for the Canyon. Here's a photo of the girls together. Aren't they cute?

Sara and Carly

Sara and Carly had a fun time together in Cedar City.